You can start by reading this and come to your own
conclusions about why I am God's Right-Hand-Man
EGO \e - go\ 1: the self as distinguished from others 2: JAY KELLY 3: the one of three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that serves as the organized conscious mediator between
the person and reality
My ego stems from the fact that I am the Supreme Being among
everyone I know (except for Lord Maximus). I am great, I am almost God! Among most of my early friends I was smarter,
faster, and just better then everyone at everything we did as a group. As I grew, I have taken command of every situation
that has come along in my life. I am a born leader -- not a follower.
ATTITUDE \at-e-t(y)ud\ 1: a mental position or feeling with regard to an object 2: JAY KELLY 3: the position of an aircraft or spacecraft relative
to a reference datum
I'm at my best when my attitude is in high gear and squealing
like a pig getting its head chopped off. Two sayings i have lived hard by for many years reflect this. First:
Sex, Drugs and Rock-n-Roll. Second: blood and bones go great with booze. Attitude is what makes me fearless, careless,
and down right ornery. A Yankee by birth; a Rebel by choice.
My choice of people with these same feelings are few
and far between. But throughout history there have been many with these same feelings. The
Preachers Dozen are as follows: 1. John Gotti (my hero), 2. Al Capone (could be my underboss),
3. Robert E. Lee (loved the 'Gods and Generals' speech), 4. Richard M. Nixon (he got caught), 5. Adolf
Hitler (just plain crazy), 6. Slobodan Milosevic (ethnic cleansing at its best), 7. Joe Kennedy Sr. (he made money
the easy way), 8. Jim Jones ("try the Kool-Ade"), 9. Manuel Noriega (go to jail, go directly to jail, do
not pass go, do not collect $200), and 10. David Koresh (FBI sponsored BBQ) 11. Michael Collins (FREE IRELAND)
12. Pol Pot (kill tally 1 to 3 million) 13. Marcus Maximus (MY GOD). Do you get the big picture? I DO!
Hey, if you can't run with us big dogs you shouldn't try playing with us either. So if you're a little
whiny bitch, who cries about the littlest fucking thing then stay the fuck in your own little corner and
don't come here to play!